on a more personal note...i still did not buy new underwear. i guess it is some kind of mental block. if i don't go get a tyrannasaurus rex size of undies, then i won't have to admit how much weight i have put on. and now i need new jeans too. someone once told me that my jeans always wear out in the inseam because my thighs rub together when i walk..but i refuse to believe that. i think it is because every pair i buy are made with defective denim (that's my story and i'm sticking to it). and i also need new shoes. unfortunately, with my bad foot, i can't just walk into walmart and buy a $20 pair of shoes. last year, after years of misery i finally found shoes that don't hurt my feet when i walk ( and i walk 10 hours every night). they cost $99 (that's a pair..not a gross), so getting a pair of shoes is a major investment for me, but they do last for several months.
i saw my sister friday. the only time i see her is if i stop at bimart where she works. she doesn't visit here because her and my dad had a disagreement a few years back. actually, so did my dad and i a couple of years ago, and he doesn't talk to me either. thats a long story for another time though. Cindy said she finally got Direct TV. she lives so far out in the sticks that she only got one station (and she had to stand on her mobile with a tinfoil hat and a lightning rod pointing 30 degrees north to get that). now she can join the rest of the world and have 60 channels of crappy tv instead of just one.
i am sitting here thinking that i could be like my mom. she has spent several weeks cleaning her shelves and putting new paper in them. i don't get it. unless i am moving out, then surface clean is good enough for me. i do occasionally go through the cupboards and restack the dishes, bowls and pots. whenever emily or mike or tim put the dishes away i think they just toss stuff in and shut the door before it can fall back out, so when i come along and open a door bowls, cups and things fall out. they don't seem to understand the concept of "nesting" smaller bowls inside bigger bowls etc..wait..what's that you say?? they understand it, but actually picking one up to put a bigger one beneath it is to time consuming. oh well, i guess i should just be glad i don't kee

well, time to go grocery shopping. Am i the only one who leaves home with a list of 30 things yet comes home with a whole trunk load of stuff? as i walk through the store i am adding things to my list from 2 aisles over that i forgot to write down, but i will also forget by the time i get to that aisle. and when i ask mike what he wants for dinner this week, he just says "things"..now there's a big help. i already walked the dogs, so once i get home..what will i do?

i cried for joy when i checked your site to see if you'd added anything...happy days are here again! it's been two weeks since you had anything to say and the withdrawl process was killing me!i see that you've added a few things, like your reagan quotes (which i loved)and your christmas countdown (what the hell are you thinking???)...i went into cardiac arrest when i saw how few days there actually are...i never seem to be able to save enough money :(
ReplyDeletei enjoyed your spider web story. i, too, have my fair share of them around the house but no one is energetic enough to shine the light on them :) my grandson ayden is terrified of spiders but not for the usual reasons. michelle and the kids live in a mobile just down the road and racoons living under the house had torn the ductwork apart, trying to find a place to stay warm, i guess. so, one day he is about three and was sitting on the floor with his cereal, watching tv and minding his own business when several black fingers stuck up out of the floor vent (between him and the tv). needless to say he was horrified! he kept screaming that there was a spider coming out of it when in actuality it was only a curious coon. it took me months of reassuring him that there were no racoons at grandma's house but he still looks at my collection of webs as if he knows there is a corolation between them and the critters. all this to warn you to keep the cobwebs to a minimum because he just might be right :)
still no undies for connie? what is this world coming to? heck, my last cruise through the goodwill i saw bins of them for 25 cents each...no more excuses! i understand about the jeans. after wearing too tight of pants for the last 6 months i finally broke down and got a few new ones. i've got several comments on how nice i looked...is that because i looked that bad?? or maybe, my own delusion of my old jeans looking fine was not true? or is it possible because the larger size actually fit? all i know is that i could not breathe any more when i sat down...everyone just thought i was industrious but it wasn't true...i just couldn't sit down without pain...
it's the first time i've heard to talk about cindy in a long time. i understand her situation about not wanting to come around but i'm wondering how you and he don't talk when you live right there???
and lastly, how very nice of you to conclude that teddy has his own (lack of) rewards.
you know, whether of not you've thought about it, i owe you a lot of thanks for your honesty when i have asked for your opinion...it has helped tremendously :)