Ever notice that no one mentions
the fact that you are driving on a
one way street unless you are
driving the WRONG way on the
one way street?
Much ado then. :)
Tim and I went to our once a year Trailblazer game a month ago. Every time we go I remember our first trek up there. I was lost, kind of scared and worried we were going to miss the game. Every street is packed and one way..you know how it is. Finally I saw a group of people just standing around and one was wearing a uniform, like a cop or guard. And miracle of miracles...the road in front of them had a place to park. So I whipped in, rolled down my window and said "can you tell me how to get to the Rose Garden?" And the uniform guy says "No, and you better get off the tracks cause the train is coming." Well, duh. And then once I took my older son shopping and when we pulled out of the lot he said "um, Mom, this is a one way street...and it ain't the way you are going". Well, duh..again. But, that is why I asked my question. I drive one way streets almost daily and no one finds it pertinent to open their window and let me know I am on one. And there is no honking of the horns or middle finger waving just to celebrate the fact that we are all on a one way street. But let one poor sap (me) even go 10 feet the wrong way..and the celebration begins.
P.S. Sorry I posted early, but only have one day a week off so it was now or never.