boy, did i do a dumb thing. mike asked me the other day if we could go down to his parents just for christmas eve dinner, and the family portrait they take every year. he said he wanted me in it before i die (which i will get to later), and i said "sure". well, what the hell was i thinking? when i first met his family i weighed about 130 (and still thought i was fat)..then a year or so ago we went down for his moms 80th birthday and i was a little heavier. now i am a lot heavier..and i don't want to go and have people thinking "god, what happened to her?" so now what do i do? if i start seriously now, it is 12 weeks til i have to go, how much could i lose in 3 months? or do i do what i normally do, which is start next week..then the next week..then the next week..til i am down to "OH MY GOD...I NEED TO LOSE 30 POUNDS IN 4 DAYS". so, this morning i got up and did 30 minutes of tae-bo..and you know what? it felt really good. that's how i lost all my weight before, i was 220 pounds after i had emily in 1992, and at 5'2" i was pretty round.

last night at work i had a bad moment, that this morning i can laugh about. there is this really nasty old lady that started a few weeks ago, and i really don't like her, so i just stay away from her as much as i can. last night she was racking on the cookie machine and when the depanners went to lunch i knew she would run out of racks close to her. so in order to be half-assed kind, i went clear to the other side of the bakery and brought two racks over, then i went clear to the other side of the bakery and brought two more. i parked them on the opposite side of the roller from her so they would be out of the way. then she said something that i didn't hear, so i said "what?" (thinking perhaps she was thanking me) HA! what she said was "could you bring those around to this side so they will be closer?" i just looked at her, took the full rack of cookies and walked off with it. of course, once i was in my oven room i let loose..if anyone had walked through i would have gotten a write up for my language. i wanted to go tell her "do you know how many f@#$ times i walk across this f@#$% building every f@#$ night?" and i also wanted to tell her "those 4 f@#$ racks are closer than the others f@#$ racks over in the corner that you can go get yourself, you nasty old b***h"... pardon my bleeps, but one of my pet peeves is working with lazy people while i am working my ass off. and the fact that this old lady seems to think everyone owes her something doesn't help...and she whines all the time