Another child "gone missing".
Does that phrase begin to convey
the anguish of the parents?
Can even God protect the children
from all the monsters in the world?
is it just me, or does everyone else hope that there is a special place reserved in hell for anyone who hurts an innocent child. I cannot even begin to imagine the agony of not knowing where my kids are or if they were ever coming home again. when it's stranger danger I hope that those people burn in hell, when it's a family member i hope they burn in hell over and over and over again. Is that harsh? I don't really care. It's Gods job to forgive, not mine. And I'm sure He is way more capable of doing it than I would ever want to be.actually, in this instance I don't even want to be forgiving. There are no excuses, no justifications no accidents...it's just pure evil. My own kids are 18, 20 and 33, yet I still fear for them in this world. It seems so odd that when I was young I never feared a boogey man but the older I get the more sure I am that there is always another one out there just waiting for his chance.
I agree. there has to be a "special" place.
ReplyDeleteAppears the step mother may have a huge role in this "disappearance". Great 160. Hope there is justice here.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree.
ReplyDeleteit is horrible!! i'm always amazed when i think back to when we were kids...we would swim for hours at the lake with no life guard, go on hours long adventures in the woods or a walk around the lake and NO ONE would ever come looking for us, wondering where we were, they KNEW we were okay. zip a few years ahead. my grandkids have to call their mom when they leave my house just so that she knows they are on their way-they have to pass by two houses before arriving home! it sounds stupid but 'they' are out there and it's a necessary evil to be cautious.
ReplyDeletehow are you?? no, no pool this year. mike didn't want to have to buy another so we are out of luck...
I agree too. It's a scary place out there. And I think we weren't as worried when we were younger because there wasn't as much to worry about. (It's a sad state of affairs.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the 4th.
You certainly aren't the only one. I worry for my kids the same way.
ReplyDeleteHowever, keep in mind that something like 80% of the "missing" kids in the world weren't taken by the monsters, but rather by relatives (usually the father) who got short shift in a divorce settlement. Not that such people can't also be monsters.
ack. working with kids i se it all too often...it takes a lot of quiet time to ge some of th stories out of my head...and breaks my heart every time. nice 160.
ReplyDeleteTruer words were never spoken. What's going on with our world? Kids can't even be kids anymore.