Sunday, May 16, 2010

A new love waits at my gate.
Fresh, pure, unmarked by
this world of hate.
Why do I do this year after year?
Out with the old..
My new phonebook is here!

(yeah, like that wasn't the highlight of your week too)


  1. i hear exactly what you're saying, and yes, at our age it might be the most exciting thing to happen ;) i was so glad to see your post today, kindly been wondering if you had gone off the edge

    been thinking a lot about what you asked me last week and i think i have a solution! it's never a good thing to lose yourself and i think i was, lost, that is. it was a slow process but insidious none the less...going to blog it and see what comes of it?
    you are the best and i can't wait to hear from you :)

  2. Makes me think of that great scene in The Jerk. Terrific 160 and, no, I don't count....but I did today just because of your comment on my post. 160 with space. On the dot. Thanks for playing and have a solid Sunday.

  3. and by the end of it al we will have 2 or 3 that find thier way to our driveway...nice 160.
