well, when nothing else is going on...go to walmart, right? i finally got a new desk lamp. my old one flickered off and on and i had to jiggle it to keep it working, so i decided it was better to get a new one for $10 than to risk burning my house down (even if it is just a mobil home).

i also bought something that when we run out of i always swear i will never buy again...Q-TIPS. there are a few things in this world worse than a nasty, used q-tip (cat shit, baby shit, dog shit...you see where this is going)? the reason i swear not to buy them is because no one in this house seems to be able to get a used q-tip, which is what? 2 1/2" long, into the bathroom wastebasket, which has an opening you could probably get an average size cat in. i must pick up used q-tips from behind the toilet (EWWW), beside the wastebasket and, next to the tub, almost every day. they would probably throw them into the tub too, except the shower doors are usually closed. so, why do i keep buying them? why do i care if everyone here gets nasty ass wax buildup in their ears...they don't listen to me anyway. maybe if i really did quit buying them, i could save the ear wax and make something to sell on e-bay. earwax candles or earwax

sculptures. boy, doesn't that give you something to worry about next time you blow out the birthday candles on your cake?
i suspect that is how madame tussaud got her start.
i also had to buy a new pair of winco pants. we must wear black slacks (not jeans). i hate slacks. i bought one pair when i started last march and i wear them every time i work there. i also wash them each time, so i figure they have been washed at least 100 times. a couple of weeks ago i noticed they had the same defect every pair of pants i ever buy has. they start wearing out in the thighs. someone told me once that it happens because my thighs rub together when i walk!!! cou

this week i took tim to the bank and had him open a bank account. he is my biggest worry in life. he is 19 now and still has elective mutism. i think perhaps 12 years ago when the child psycologist said he would outgrow it that he was wrong. every time i read web sites on line i worry about tim getting depressed because he isn't doing anything with his life. i don't want him to wake up some morning and realize his life is flying by and he is missing it because he doesn't talk. and what happens to him if something happens to me? he only talks to me, emily and his cousin james. 3 people in the whole world that he communicates with. between that and his messed up knees he could one day get really depressed about it. emily told me once that she would take care of him if i weren't here anymore, which was very sweet of her. but it isn't about taking care of him, he isn't mentally impaired. it's about him living his life and being happy doing something. one of my friends at work is always saying "what are you going to do about him? when are you going to make him get a job?" this is the same person who fixed up her shed in the TRAILER PARK where she lives, for her 30 year old step son to live in. and for rent he gives her $100 of his food stamp money (if he remembers). and she worries about my kid!
this is almost the end of my 2nd day off...only 2 more to go. thursday i get my crown (on my tooth, not my head). i survived this root canal without an infection, always a good thing.
i got an e-mail from mikes mom today. her and carol (mikes sister) are going to la soon for a taping of the oprah show. hot diggidy dog! color me green with envy. actually, i didn't even know she was still on tv, i'm never home for daytime tv. they are also going to go very early and try to get seats to see the stars on the red carpet for the oscars. DOUBLE HOT DIGGIDY DOG!!! I am just happy when i have a night off and the shows i usually dvr are not reruns so i get to watch them fresh. like ncis tonight and criminal minds tomorrow night. i wouldn't have thought mikes mom would be so lame as sitting hours waiting to see stars walk by. maybe carol just couldn't get anyone else to go with her. i have long thought that awards shows are all just a load of crap..just like reality tv shows. i have never seen survivor, lost ,american idol or any of that stuff. maybe if they had something like a reality murder show i would watch, but cast members might be hard to come by after a season or two.

i had the chance to read your TWO blogs a few nights ago on my archos, while mike was watching king of the hill, and i love, love, loved it!! only thing is, i realize that if i don't answer it right away, right after i read, i take longer to reply :( good thing you aren't holding your breath because then i'd have to send tom selleck over to give you mouth-to-mouth...
ReplyDeletei love the pictures of your pets on the sidebar! i've meant to say so for a while. i know berit (whose leg is feeling better, i hope) but you'll do us all a favor if you go through and name them in their picture order, please?? after reading about p.o.s., i'm more than a little curious! i would scroll thru your older posts to find them myself but i'm afraid that my comment will disappear if i try it!
i'm still chuckling over your reality shows, and by the way, i love your idea on the murder reality idea :) i could dig up a few neighbors for extras! speaking of tv shows, every once in a while mike will flip thru the channels after tiring of watching his nightly fare of garbage and often land on tru tv, forensic files. even if i'm in a quasy deep sleep, i'll turn over to watch this! it both fascinates and satisfies me to watch how people THINK they can outsmart the law, and then, my sense of justice when i see someone (who thought that they were so slick) get found out and imprisioned...
by the way, i am so jealous of your shelfari!! for one thing, your reagan paperweight has caused the whole shelf to lean ridiculously, heh heh...and, you have so many on there! i seriously can't figure out how to easily add one more to mine without the shelf doing stupid things. how in the world will i ever be able to display my beverly cleary collection now??
i have this sort of fat and sassy satisfaction, knowing that you are standing in winco's wearing your JEANS!! has no one noticed how pleasant you are since you are pulling the wool over their eyes? it's got to feel good not having your duct tape repair job tearing your flesh up anymore!
princess, you never mentioned getting a crown before...only the root canal. can't tell you how much better i feel knowing you came through this one pain free :)
and lastly, i completely relate to your q tip delemia (sp?). sometimes i want to scream out and ask if they think i'm the only one in our house that can bend at the waist??? it's the same with paper towels on the bathroom floor, but i digress. when my gdaughter first started school she insisted that we get a paper towel holder for the bathroom because drying your hands on the same cloth towel as everyone else in the house was deemed unsanitary. i chuckled and went along with it because it made sense to me, ocd that i am. here it is nine years later and i am still picking up used paper towels off of the floor! i understand you completely...how hard is it to actually LOOK at the waste recepticle, aim, shoot, and score your two points? but no, who has to take the time to do it while i'm around?