sunday night, mike will be home soon. i was just reading comments here from sheri. she mentioned an old high school "cheerleader " that found her on facebook and was chit-chatty. funny how life is. in school the same cheerleader would never have spoken to some of us. oh, to tell her i have been married 4 times, 1st to an abuser, 2nd to a homosexual, 3rd to a psychotic, and 4th i think i may be doing ok .i too have a facebook account, but i only go there once in a while. there have been some "will you be my friend" notices from people that went to school where i did (not all of them "when" i did). but for some reason i never accept them. why would i want to know how great life is for them? it reminds me of the christmas letters people send out, little johnny is now a doctor and suzy is a rocket scientist, the grandkids will graduate high school at the age of 10 and we are traveling the world in our winnebago spreading appleseeds wherever we go. i sent one of those out a few years ago, but it wasn't anything like was the reality of my life, with the tim burton twist it has had. it was actually pretty funny, because through it all, one jus

sheri also mentioned napping in her recliner, which brought back fond memories for me. when i realized my 2nd husband was gay i started sleeping in my recliner (he wasn't going to give up the bed). and i slept in my recliner for over 10 years. it almost broke my heart this ye

tim took me out tonight to see the space station go over. he has been trying to show it to me since he found a website that tracks it and tells when you can see it. only problem has been that i work nights, and the nights i was home it was overcast. but i did finally see it tonight. he said it goes about 17000mph. so of course i related to him the big joke of SKYLAB from my youth. remember that? things sure have changed. remember the car seats of old, that just had two hooks to hang it over the front seat. how did we ever survive?
where to start??? ah, yes, the beloved actually slept in it for 10 years??? did you ever think of retrieving it from the dump and refashioning it to be a coffin...i mean, it would be a perfect fit! maybe mike just wanted it out of the house because of all the good memories it might have invoked for you :)anyways, i'll be sure to mention this to joletta when she and i meet for coffee sometime this next week...we have so much to catch up on! really, the similarities in our lives are remarkable!! she married a basketball star from crater, me too. she was a stuck up bitch, i thought she was,too. she was loved by all her peers, i hated the sight of her. she ate from a sliver spoon, i watched it on tv. oh, we're going to have so much fun talking about our 2.3 children, mini vans, and vacations at the grand canyon...i'll be sure to keep you posted :) speaking of people we wished we never knew, becky mullins does ring a bell but the tinkle is so faint that i can't even remember what she looks like. how do you know her?